Tag : aubergine

    HomePosts tagged "aubergine"
1 November, 2015

Aubergine and coconut soup

Aubergine and coconut soup
Posted in : Soup on by : Maya
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It’s a super simple, very ugly and at the same time very tasty and creamy soup. I keep looking for ideas of how to make it prettier, but everything seems to impact the taste, so I think I’ll just have to accept that it’s not going to be a pretty one.

7 July, 2015

Aubergine roll-ups

Aubergine roll-ups
Posted in : Appetisers on by : Maya
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Yes, I know, aubergines again! But I just love them. And I can’t resist! Actually, I don’t even try. This is a slightly changed Nigella’s recipe. Very refreshing and very, very good! It works well as a starter, but on a sunny day it’ll do just as well as a main dish, if you add
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23 June, 2015

Breaded aubergines

Breaded aubergines
Posted in : Appetisers, Sides on by : Maya

I think I mentioned already that I like aubergines 🙂 This recipe is another way of preparing this elegant vegetable. I learned it from my mom, although she is no longer preparing them any more. It’s also another favorite of my son, who is a rare 7-year old loving vegetables in all forms. The recipe
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9 June, 2015

Stuffed aubergines

Stuffed aubergines
Posted in : Appetisers, Main Dish on by : Maya
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Sometimes best dishes don’t come from detailed planning and researching the best recipe or buying specific ingredients for one special dish. Sometimes it is the quick dinner from leftovers that turns out to be a perfect mix of tastes and flavors. This recipe is an example of such a dish. 2 aubergines, leftover lasagne sauce and
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