Search Results for : lamb

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12 May, 2019

Rosemary lamb pie

Rosemary lamb pie
Posted in : Appetisers on by : Maya
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This was a great hit during a dinner party I run for some of my closest friends. One of those tasting menu dinner parties, with the names of the dishes given only as a clue. This one was called ‘silence of the lamb’, and I was right, silence fell at the table when the forks
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25 March, 2018

7 hour lamb

7 hour lamb
Posted in : Main Dish on by : Maya
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This French, ‘slow cooker type’ recipe brings out the unique flavor of lamb, arriving at the end of the cooking process at a piece of meat that literally falls apart. It is super simple, although takes certain planning, because it should spend in the oven minimum 7 hours, but I often do it for 12
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